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A Better Solution Honors Social Workers

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March is National Social Worker Month and A Better Solution Home Care & Nursing would like to take a quick moment to celebrate all of the social workers out there who work with us to provide our communities with the care and resources that they need to remain in their homes. We celebrate the contributions of social workers during National Social Work Month in March.

The official theme for Social Work Month in March, 2017 is “Social Workers Stand Up!”

Celebrated each March, National Professional Social Work Month is an opportunity for social workers across the country to turn the spotlight on the profession and highlight the important contributions they make to society. Our nation’s more than 600,000 social workers have amazing tenacity and talent. They confront some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and society and forge solutions that help people reach their full potential and make our nation a better place to live.

There are many activities you can take part in to commemorate the month, honor social workers, and educate the public about the often unnoticed ways that social workers bring great good to our society. For more information, visit socialworkmonth.org.

Would you like us to help you celebrate your team? Call A Better Solution Home Care & Nursing to set up a breakfast or lunch for your Social Work staff during the month of March! Contact our offices at (877) 585-9011 and speak with any of our care staff to set up a day and time that works for you!

Spotlight On

SoniaEspositoSonia Esposito
Sonia Esposito is one of our more versatile care providers Sonia is loved by office staff and clients alike. Most recently Sonia had a client request her without ever having seen her due to a referral source recommendation. From small transportations, to long shifts, Sonia treats every client with dignity and respect, but also maintains a firm schedule for her clients so they can count on her to provide exceptional care each and every time. She is great at coaxing a client to be compliant to their care plan and helps our seniors remain independent, while keeping their environment upbeat and healthy.and time that works for you!

JennyLacamanJenny Lacaman
Jenny Lacaman, is one of our Certified Nursing Assistants. Jenny’s ability and level of care-giving is head and shoulders above the rest. The dedication she shows to our clients in her loyalty and work ethic is something we are proud to promote within our agency. Not just a caregiver, Jenny assists with the management of her clients by keeping our agency apprised of their preferences, changing care needs, and gives valuable input on each and every client she attends to. Often requested, Jenny is always busy with a full schedule and she places her clients needs above all else.

New Announcements! ABSSeniorcare.com

A Better Solution Home Care & Nursing has launched our Senior Care Website! We have been in the business of serving seniors in our community for over 16 years, and we have watched the ability to afford care become an issue for many of our families in need. This website is for senior care only and is filled with skilled caregivers, CNAs, LVNs, and RNs available to work privately.

Check out the website and look for upcoming promo items to give to your families who need home care but cannot afford a full service agency. Please Note: ABSSeniorcare.com requires family oversite and leaves all of the caregiver hiring and supervision to the family members or clients; A Better Solution Home Care & Nursing does not supervise this website; it is quick and easy to use this interactive tool that allows for caregivers to post their resumes, cost, availability, and location for no charge, allowing potential clients to research and find many caregivers in their area that are able to help them or their loved ones.

The rates and details are left to the clients and the caregivers. For $25, clients can post an add and receive several responses by available caregivers! This is the “Craigslist of Senior Care” with one specialty/one focus and we are excited to bring this platform to California!

CEO Corner


Lia Smith Pratt
You may have noticed many home care agencies are charging upwards of $25 per hour for home care services, leaving clients and family members very confused. With the added expense of licensure over $5000 per year, the Affordable Care Act, requiring employers to provide medical insurance and the higher costs of those medical premiums (over 20% this year), the raise in minimum wage, in many different counties of California, the requirement of anywhere from 3-5 paid sick days to be provided to each employee, as well as the EDD of California charging a large percentage to compensate for the California national debt (based on previous years payroll), create a need for agencies to charge more for their services as they attempt to remain in business. As an industry insider who has been in business for over 16 years, this is the hardest year for both business and families alike. Caregivers work for many different agencies and clients creating a need for each agency to absorb the cost of many individuals.

There are some things our clients can do to get the best care and be aware of how to assess their home care provider and the individual needs of them-selves or a family member:

  1. Make sure your company is a Licensed Home Care Agency, due to the higher cost of doing business many Domestic Referral Agencies (DRA’s) have cropped up, they are fine to use as long as clients are aware that they should be substantially less expensive because they are not paying worker taxes, nor Worker Compensation insurance. They have no requirements to ensure minimum wage, nor are they required to provide sick leave, as they do not employ their workers. They also cannot be Licensed by the State of California.
  2. Make sure your agency is larger, a larger agency and a smaller agency often charge the same rate, but a smaller agency is limited in both caregivers and office staff to oversee the services provided.
  3. Make sure your agency has an On-Call service for after hours call, in case of emergency.
  4. Make sure your agency is local, not providing caregivers from another county, and does their billing locally, so issues can be resolved quickly.
  5. Make sure your agency has been around a while, smaller “fly by night” agencies may bend the rules, and leave you without adequate care.
  6. For more medical protection, make sure your agency has a Nurse on staff for medical questions and higher levels of care.
  7. Have family members chip in, utilize your agency strategically to get the most “bang for your buck” (i.e. a 9-3 shift can cover breakfast, lunch, and a dinner can be left to be heated, saving 3-4 hours of cost)
  8. Be aware of your needs and keep a list of what duties you would like performed by your caregiver, and make sure the company has a copy.
  9. Remember to stay in touch! Call the company with any questions, or concerns immediately, and replace any caregivers you are not comfortable with.
  10. Make sure you have access to the owner, or manager of your agency to quickly rectify any issues.
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