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Finding The Right Nursing Home For Your Family

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If you have some anxiety about moving your loved one into a nursing home, you’re not alone. Everyone grows old, and there’s not always a clear, easy path to simple and healthy living. There are a lot of things to consider when you’re in the process of choosing a nursing home, so remember to be extra compassionate to both yourself and your loved one during this changing time. 

It can be scary to have numerous options to work with and you might be wondering how to make the best decision. Here’s some simple guidance geared towards helping you figure out your next moves. If you’re patient and take it slow, you can take a lot of pressure off both yourself and your family members.

Know Your Nursing Home Care Requirements

Start by figuring out exactly what kind of help the older person will need. The best way to achieve this is with a conversation, though sometimes we may not be so lucky. If your loved one can still communicate with you clearly, have an open chat with them about what has become difficult recently. This might be hard to talk about, so be prepared to create a supportive environment. Encourage honesty as much as you can so you get a clear picture of what’s going on. 

It could be as simple as getting in and out of the shower or an inability to cook a meal for themselves. All of this information is useful. If you can’t communicate with them, you’ll have to be prepared to make certain decisions on their behalf. Spend as much time with them as you can and observe carefully. If there is anyone who has consistently been around your loved one ask that person about regular behavior.


Now that you know what your loved one is dealing with, do plenty of research on all the different types of elderly care that are available in your area. Once you have a good idea of what you have to choose from, you’ll want to make some phone calls and ask as many questions as you can. Visit the nursing home in person and make sure it’s in good condition with adequate staff. 

It’s good to find nursing home care in close proximity to your house  because your loved one will benefit from frequent short visits. This is especially true for the adjustment period. It might not seem like a big deal to drive an hour to see your beloved senior, but after a busy day, it can easily feel like a road trip. Keep distance in mind as you choose your location. 

You’ll want to learn as much as you can about the nursing home in this period. It’s a good idea to visit during meal time, so you can see the quality of food served. You can ask whether or not they get to choose meals and specific questions about certifications of the staff. 

Especially in the event that your loved one has a cognitive impairment, make sure the nursing home is complete with the appropriate staff to provide the necessary care. Many locations are specially designed to house people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. In most situations, special services can be put in place and they’ll need to know your loved one’s complete history.

Nursing Home Compared to ABSIHC

With personalized care plans for a variety of services, ABSIHC is ready to address the changing needs of your family. Caring for elderly parents is a full time job that no one is ever truly ready for and you should never be ashamed of needing help. Our staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you’re ready to talk, so are we. Click here to learn more. 

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