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Spring Activities for Seniors

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No matter your age, spring is the season for rejuvenation and sunshine. After spending the cold winter months indoors, spring is a breath of fresh air that can encourage you to move toward a more active lifestyle. Aside from the vitamin-D that the sunshine offers, there are many benefits to utilizing the natural boost that the new season can bring. 

It is very important for those who have retired to remain active. If you are retired, it can be difficult to feel a sense of purpose in the stillness. Spring activities for seniors can help to spur feelings of purpose and even connectivity! Another thing that you probably think of after retirement is the cost of the activities and hobbies that are vital to the mind and body. 

Being outdoors is very beneficial for your mind and body. Outdoor activities can be quite affordable. In fact, there are many awesome free things that you can do! It is proven that people tend to exercise more when they exercise outdoors. This is especially true in the springtime. Being outdoors and in nature is also proven to increase your heart health and encourage healthy mental patterns. This is why it is greatly important to incorporate the outdoors into your activities during the springtime.

A few Great Activities for Senior Citizens

Although this list is by no means comprehensive, here is a look at some fun, inexpensive, and healthy ideas and activities for senior citizens.

Go for a walk! 

Walking can be physically and mentally beneficial. Walking provides good exercise and promotes physical health. Additionally, walking regularly has proven to encourage happiness and clear the mind. Mornings are a great time for you to take a walk and prepare for the day ahead!

Plant a garden! 

There isn’t much that is more gratifying than watching your hard work literally grow into beautiful results. Taking ownership in a garden project can provide exercise, purpose, and beautiful flowers to look at. A garden can even provide food to eat. Gardens are also an inherent provider of daily tasks and responsibilities that can give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. A community garden is a great way to get seniors doing something purposeful and enjoyable together, while also adding a social aspect. 

Take pride in food! 

Although cooking is mostly an indoor activity, learning new recipes and perfecting them can be quite enjoyable. Not only is cooking meals a less expensive option than eating out all of the time, but it is also very gratifying to collect and learn recipes for delicious meals. Watching ‘food television’ and looking up recipes can also be great activities for rainy days and time spent indoors.

Learn the night sky! 

Cool evenings in the spring and summer are hard to beat. When the sky is clear, the moon and stars are fantastic reminders of the beauty of nature. There are so many constellations and planets that can be enjoyed from the porch or a lawn chair. Learning these things can be great mental exercise and a great way to spend those beautiful evenings.

Be crafty! 

A busy mind makes a healthy soul. A positive way to keep a nimble mind is to read, write and create. A scrapbook or journal can be a wonderful way to spend extra time. Writing letters is another option for creativity, expression, and feeling connected to loved ones. 

Spring is the perfect time to sharpen the mind and body. With all of the beautiful weather and the longer days, it is a great opportunity for growth and new horizons. Spring is a great time to learn that new hobby or get back outside regularly. For more information on activities for seniors and healthy living for seniors, click here.

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