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Day: November 25, 2019


Senior Care: Why This Industry is Booming Worldwide

One of the most reliable constants in life is aging. No matter what happens, at the end of the day, we are one day older. With a huge rise in the population of the elderly, senior care is becoming a necessary option for many families. Furthermore, studies speculate that the home care market will expand from $100 billion to $225 billion in 2024. What Is Senior Care? There is much debate on what age a person actually becomes a senior. Different sources claim that a person becomes a senior at different ages. For instance, Medicare believes that you become a

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Owning a Health Care Franchise in Today’s Health Care System

Owning a health care franchise allows you to invest in a new, long-lasting career. With more people in need of home care help now than ever before, this is the ideal time to own a health care franchise. But how does owning a senior care franchise fit into today's health care system? There is a Higher Demand in Home Care Assistance for Seniors Those who were born between the years of 1946 and 1964 are part of the baby boomer generation. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, there are approximately 75 million people in the United States who

09,25,2019 Comments Off on Owning a Health Care Franchise in Today’s Health Care System

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10 Tips for Stopping Elder Abuse

Elder abuse takes many forms. Common scenarios include physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, as well as financial exploitation; and neglect.  Abuse can take place anywhere from the individual’s home to long-term care facilities. Unfortunately, abuse often comes from the elderly's own children. However, this never excludes in-home caregivers and nurses. (more…)

07,25,2019 Comments Off on 10 Tips for Stopping Elder Abuse

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Home Care