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Tag: home care franchise


Saluting Senior Citizens is Our Mission for August at a Better Solution

Did You Know? On August 21st 1988, President Ronald Reagan declared August 21st as National Senior Citizens Day. The proclamation stated “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older- places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.” Here at

A Better Solution Inc~~ celebrates Nurses week

We here at A Better Solution, are pleased to say that we have worked with many great nurses. Being in the field, taking care of the elderly, has never been an easy job, and our caregivers at A Better Solution work hand-in-hand with nurses from all disciplines. We are proud to say that we work closely with hospice nurses, home health nurses, and case management R.N.’s . It takes a special person to place their needs secondary to anothers’ care. We are hopeful at A Better Solution that everyone will take a moment to celebrate our nurses and the nurses

Celebrate National Social Worker Month in March

A Better Solution wants to take a moment to honor those who are dedicated to ensuring the care of others and give a little history, as well as this years National theme: Social Work Month 2014. From its start in the 1960’s, Social Work Month has been a nationwide effort. In 1965, the NASW News published a Social Workers’ Month Regional Report, which documented the efforts of NASW chapters spreading the new concept of Social Work Month awareness. The National Association of Social Workers is pleased to announce the 2014 Social Work Month theme: “All People Matter.” this year’s theme

Every Client Needs to Know

Are you Using the Right Agency for your Home Care Needs? When a Social Worker or Discharge Planner, Nurse or skilled agency refers to a home care company are they able to ensure that the brochure they hand out is actually backed by an office and a staff of people? Usually No, They do not have time to Vet every Agency that they refer to, but you should! With the new laws in home care have you checked to ensure your caregiver is accurately paid, for their hourly or live in shifts? Pay Rates should be at least $156.00 per

February is National Heart Month

Every journey begins with one step, whether it’s climbing a mountain or preventing heart disease. This American Heart Month, CDC is offering weekly tips for better heart health. Take your first step on the road to a healthy heart with us. Heart disease is a major problem. Every year, about 715,000 Ameri-cans have a heart attack. About 600,000 people die from heart disease in the United States each year—that’s 1 out of every 4 deaths. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Heart attack symptoms The five major symptoms of a heart attack are

Home Care